High school students get hands-on Narcan training to reverse concerning trend

Narcan training for students

Narcan training for students

Students at Roosevelt High School in Minneapolis are learning what to do if someone is overdosing by getting hands-on experience using Narcan.

Minnesota school districts are required to have a supply of overdose medication in school buildings because of the number of deadly overdoses among teens.

At Roosevelt High School, aspiring medical students took a class to learn about the medicine naloxone — also known by its brand name, Narcan — where they got to view parts of an opioid overdose kit.

Eleventh grader Ani Owen is packing up doses of the life-saving drug that has the power to reverse a concerning trend.

“Just so, like, opioid overdoses are able to be, like, more controlled and people have, like, more access,” Owen said. “We’ve heard a lot about, like, even in school, like, in the bathrooms, like, people can overdose.”

La’Anna Johnson with M Health Fairview is making a high school hallway a Narcan training ground for the first time.

“These kids are dying. So we want to make sure that they have the things that they need so that we can close some of those disparities or those gaps,” Johnson said. “It is impressive to see how much they actually retain.”

The teens are not only learning what you need to stop an overdose — they also got the ins and outs of how to use it.

Another student, Yamilet Sandieroarron, talked about the training that’s giving a jump start on her future career. “I surely feel like I can now with the training. … I believe that with a medical school, I can make a bigger change. I can impact communities.”

In the meantime, these small kits and the student’s sharp skills can give Minnesotans another shot at life.

“With the education that we’re giving them, it just gives them that superpower,” Johnson said.

“Anybody, like, with this kit and with the knowledge is able to save somebody,” Owen said.

M Health Fairview is already planning more sessions in the Twin Cities to build the students’ confidence in the real world.