Giant trolls going up around the northern woods in Detroit Lakes

Giant trolls going up around the northern woods in Detroit Lakes

Giant trolls going up around the northern woods in Detroit Lakes

There are giant trolls going up around the northern woods in Detroit Lakes.

The large sculptures are the work of Danish artist Thomas Dambo.

“Trolls is part of my heritage,” Dambo said. “It’s the folklore I grew up hearing in Denmark.”

Three hundred volunteers are helping build the giant trolls made of trash, one measuring 36 feet from head to toe.

The trolls come with an environmental message to protect nature.

“I hope people will see that we can build big and beautiful things that can bring millions together out of our trash,” Dambo said.

Project 412, a nonprofit that promotes Detroit Lakes, brought Dambo and his trolls to the area.

“The trolls will be up year-round,” Amy Steans with Project 412 said. “We hope people will be coming to Detroit Lakes for years and years to find the trolls.”

The trolls and their locations will be unveiled next month.