Family searches for good Samaritans who rescued them from Maple Grove crash

A Plymouth family needs help finding the good Samaritans that pulled them out of their tipped-over SUV.

On Sept. 30, just before 7 p.m., Deepa Sarasamma was driving her 12-year-old daughter to dance class. According to the Maple Grove Police Department, as they were turning left onto Maple Grove Parkway from Elm Road North, Sarasamma did not stop at the stop sign and their car was hit by another driver.

The Sarasammas’ Honda SUV’s left fender was crunched in as it landed on its side, trapping the two inside.

“The was engine running, there was gas leaking, people came running and said smoke is coming [and we] couldn’t find a way to get out,” Sarasamma said.

Fortunately for the two, good Samaritans stepped in.

“He came and he said, ‘I got this, don’t worry,’” Sarasamma said about one of the strangers that helped them, adding about the ordeal: “He pulled my daughter out first, then he pulled me out. He asked me if there was anyone else in the car, I did not respond, and he went in and checked and ensured that nobody was left behind.”

She said a woman also cared for her daughter before the first responders made it to the scene.

Police did issue Sarasamma a citation and she said she does have a minor fracture to her hip, but she and her daughter are doing well. The driver of the other car is also well.

Now, Sarasamma and her family would like to meet those who helped them through those traumatic moments – she said in the moment she was in shock and did not ask for names.

The family, sharing the following messages for the two, hoping they read it and reach out to meet the family.

To that man: You are my hero and I honor you for your kindness and care for fellow human beings. I can’t ever truly repay you for what you did and I really hope I asked you for your name at least. If you read this, please message me.

To that girl: You sat with my daughter on the side walk, did an initial assessment and told me she was okay. You took care of her and kept her calm while I was recouping. You stayed throughout until the paramedics arrived. Did I thank you? I don’t remember. All I remember is that I saw humanity at its best through you. I adore you for who you are , an amazing positive role model at such a young age. How can I find you?

Minnesotans that help in an emergency are protected against civil damages by the good Samaritan law.

In fact, Maple Grove Fire Department chief Tim Bush said people can get in trouble for not helping if they can. He added that helping can be as simple as calling 911 – and that people should only physically help if it’s a safe environment.

Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the driver who hit Deepa Sarasamma’s car had failed to stop at the intersection and was cited for the crash.