Derek Chauvin to appeal conviction in George Floyd’s death, asks high court to grant him a public defender

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Thursday filed an intent to appeal with the Minnesota Court of Appeals regarding his conviction in George Floyd’s murder.

In April, a jury convicted Chauvin on second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in Floyd’s May 2020 death.

Thursday marked 90 days since Chauvin’s sentencing, which is the deadline for an appeal. However, he also filed to have his appeal stayed until he can get an attorney, as he’s currently representing himself.

Court documents show Chauvin was denied representation by a public defender on Sept. 14 and is appealing that denial to the Minnesota Supreme Court. He states that he has no income other than "nominal prison wages, nor [does he] own any real property or vehicles." He also says his only assets are two retirement accounts, and he’d face a large penalty for early access to those funds, which would then leave him with less than the current debt he owes.

He adds that his case was paid for by the Minneapolis Peace and Police Officers Association but was told they stopped paying for his legal representation after his conviction and sentencing. He was, however, granted an in forma pauperis Thursday regarding the April trial, which means he is not required to pay any fees, cost or security related to the trial due to his financial state.

Chauvin lists more than a dozen issues to raise on the appeal to his conviction, including the court’s decision to not grant him a change of venue or sequester the jury.

The full document, including the 14 issues to raise on appeal, can be seen here.