Construction workers call for improved working conditions under handful of companies

Twin Cities area construction workers are organizing a week of action starting on Monday.

There are three local developers the Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha, or CTUL, is calling out to step up and improve conditions for construction workers — Yellow Tree, United Properties and Solhem Companies.

Several group members and construction workers gathered outside Minneapolis City Hall Monday morning and met with officials, sharing their stories of stolen wages and dangerous working conditions throughout the years in the metro.

The group has since come up with its own solution, called the “Building Dignity and Respect Program,” or BDR for short, which the organization, along with 30 state and local elected leaders, say needs to be the norm.

They have all signed a letter to the three developers, urging the companies to meet with construction workers and change.

In addition, they are all saying while the booming development in the city is what they want to continue in the metro, it shouldn’t come at the expense of workers’ basic human rights.

The group and construction workers will continue their demands for change on Tuesday with a mile-long march.