Class of 2024 prepares to graduate after starting college in pandemic

Class of 2024 prepares to graduate after starting college in pandemic

Class of 2024 prepares to graduate after starting college in pandemic

Most college careers end with a cap and gown, but think about how it all started for the class of 2024: with masks and social distancing in the midst of a pandemic.

Marley Webb and Jacob McCullough are both senior business students at Bethel University. They are preparing to walk across the stage on Saturday, which is a first for many college graduates this year as many never had a traditional ceremony four years ago when they graduated high school.

“It’s a little more special now to get to have something like this,” said Webb.

In fact, there was a lot that was different for the class of 2024. 

“There was all this added flexibility for us. We could attend class virtually if we were in quarantine. They would record lectures online,” said McCullough.

This class of 2024 will launch into the “real world” with not just a college education, but some very unique life lessons as well.

“There’s a certain level of adaptability. We’ve gone from pivoting to in-person to online, to the hybrid environment,” McCullough said.

“I think we are a more resilient group and I think we are more appreciative of what we have. I think that makes this class special.  We don’t take anything for granted anymore,” Webb said.