Chauvin sentenced to 22½ years in prison

The latest updates as former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin faces sentencing Friday:

2:50 p.m.

Cahill has sentenced Chauvin to 22½ years in prison, with 99 days credited.

1:30 p.m.

Closing impact victim statements are being made to start the session. George Floyd’s daughter, 7-year-old Gianna Floyd, was the first person to provide a statement. In it, she said she wishes she could tell him she loved and missed him. She also said she misses doing activities with her dad, such as brushing her teeth and "doing fun things."

Brandon Williams, Floyd’s nephew, spoke next. He told the judge to hand down a maximum sentence. He reminisced about all the times he spent with Floyd, and how none of those events will happen again with him there.

Floyd’s brother Terrance Floyd looked at Chauvin and asked: "What were you thinking when you had your knee on my brother’s neck?"

"Why did you stay there?" he continued.

He asked the judge to not give Chauvin a "slap on the wrist," and asked to imagine if the roles were reversed in this case.

Philonise Floyd, George’s brother, stated that Chauvin had "no regard for human life — Floyd’s life." He further stated that he wants Chauvin to receive the maximum punishment available.

Assistant Attorney General Matthew Frank thanks the officers who testified in the case, showing that they could speak openly and honestly about policies and training.

"Those officers didn’t hide behind a blue wall," he said.

Frank also thanked the family and those who were close to Floyd, as he recognizes their grief is greater than those who have gone through a murder case before. He noted there are four aggravating factors to sentencing Chauvin for his actions.

"This is NOT the typical second-degree, unintentional murder," he noted. Frank said Chauvin abused his authority by not caring for Floyd at the scene at any point.

"If you’re going to take custody of somebody, you have to show care," he said. Frank continued, saying "imagine a 9-year-old watching this play out?"

He says the defense asking for probation for this crime "isn’t even worth addressing, as it’s so out of the realm of reality." He went on to ask the judge for a 360-month sentencing (30 years).

Chauvin’s mother, Caroline Pawlenty, spoke about her son. She said not only did this change his life forever, but it changed hers and the family’s forever as well. She also says she believes in his innocence, and added that all the things reported by media or said about Chauvin "is not true."

She also said Chauvin was her favorite son.

Eric Nelson, Chauvin’s attorney, said what happened with this case in this community has been "profound." He notes, as he has throughout the trial, that all factors need to be considered in handing down the best possible judgment.

He addressed Chauvin as a police officer, saying many stated Chauvin would be willing to do anything, as he "loved his job."

He noted how Chauvin wasn’t even supposed to work that day, and that Chauvin probably has a brain littered with "what ifs."

Chauvin took the podium, saying he gave his condolences to the Floyd family. However, he said he can’t say much more, as a federal case looms.

Cahill said the court is in recess for 15 minutes as of 2:30 p.m.

11:15 a.m.

People began gathering at—38th Street and Chicago Avenue—known as George Floyd Square Friday.

KSTP’s Brett Hoffland reported people were gathering in the area ahead of Chauvin’s sentencing at 1:30 p.m.

11 a.m.

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is set to learn his fate as a Minnesota judge sentences him for murder in the death of George Floyd.

The 45-year-old Chauvin faces decades in prison, with several legal experts predicting a sentence of 20 to 25 years.

He still faces a federal trial on civil rights charges in Floyd’s death.

Friday’s hearing will take place at a county courthouse that no longer has the concrete barricades, razor wire and National Guard members that were in place as the city and nation held its breath for the verdict in Chauvin’s trial.

Also Friday, Judge Peter Cahill denied a defense request for a new trial, saying the defense hasn’t shown Chauvin was deprived of his right to a fair trial.

5 EYEWITNESS NEWS and will bring you the latest on the sentencing hearing. You can watch full coverage here starting at 1:30 p.m. and follow the latest updates here.