CDC OKs 3rd COVID vaccination for those with weak immune systems

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisers gave the final green light for patients with compromised immune systems to get a third vaccine dose, adding an extra layer of protection.

Minnesota state health officials said supply is in place to start the rollout.

Adding a third shot is set to impact about 113,000 Minnesotans, according to state health officials.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials say the evidence only backs Pfizer and Moderna immunocompromised patients getting a third shot.

Living in a bubble is the safest way of life for Heidi Randolph’s son, Sam.

"Add a pandemic on top of it and it shrinks to nothing," Randolph said.

The pandemic presented new challenges for her son, who is immunocompromised.

"I was on the fence about how much of the original vaccines he’s retained, so this definitely helps where we’re at," she said.

Sam is fully vaccinated but health experts said a third shot will boost antibodies, giving him a better chance to fight off the coronavirus.

"I got the notice two days ago when they first received it and immediately sent a medical message off to his doctor to figure out how to get it," Randolph said.

The CDC details immunocompromised patients as people being treated for tumors and blood cancers, organ transplant patients and those with diseases that damage the immune system.

"We’ve heard some heartbreaking stories of people with compromised immune systems who did absolutely everything they could do and still succumbed to COVID-19," Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm said.

But, the third time could be the charm.

State health officials said an additional shot will improve protection.

"I’m actually, realistically hopeful that if by some chance he’s still ended up getting COVID, I really am 90% hopeful that we come out on the other side," Randolph said.

Health experts said, at this time, the general population doesn’t need an extra dose. State health officials explained that it’s important only those with a compromised immune system get a third shot at this time.

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