'I just love it': High school hockey fan hasn't missed tournament in 63 years

The Boys' High School State Hockey Tournament is one of Minnesota's biggest annual events, drawing about 120,000 people every year.

Thursday, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS met one fan from Oakdale who hasn't missed a tournament in 63 years.

"I started in 1957 as a junior in high school when I bought a ticket to the tournament," said LeRoy Looser. "And I got hooked on it."

Looser turned 81 years old on Tuesday. He said he typically goes to 11 tournament games, spending up to 12 hours per day in the stands.

"Well, I mark it on my calendar," Looser explained. "When I was working, it was part of my job description. Every place I was hired, the idea was, he's going to take a couple days off in March!"

KSTP Sports Boys' State Hockey Central

Looser said he never played hockey himself.

"I can hardly skate," he laughed.

And he is not rooting on any particular team. He said he simply enjoys watching young athletes live out their passions.

"It's the ability and the heart," Looser said. "I just love it."

Looser said he is slowing down a bit but plans to come to the tournament as long as he can.

"I'm having a little trouble with my back. It's getting a little more difficult," Looser explained. "But I think I got another five years of going to this thing at least."