DNR: Fire danger increasing with drier conditions

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources said several wildfires sprung to life in the northwestern part of the state the past two weeks due to increasingly dry conditions.

The DNR warns of an outlook for similar conditions into May, increasing the potential for higher wildfire activity in the region.

Everyone can do their prevention part by following current burning restrictions and being safe with fire, the DNR says.

Spring burning restrictions begin in Minnesota

“Year after year, escaped debris burning is the number one cause of Minnesota’s wildfires,” said Greg Snyder, DNR Forestry northwest region assistant manager. “When conditions are this dry, any spark can quickly turn into an escaped wildfire.”

The DNR has proactively moved to burning restrictions immediately after snow melts to reduce potential for wildfire and emergency response. These restrictions remain in place, and the state is not currently issuing burning permits for brush or yard waste. The DNR will grant variance permits only for agricultural field and construction site preparation, and limited prescribed burning. Individuals seeking a variance should call their local DNR Forestry Office.

Small recreational fires or campfires are still allowed during the burning restrictions. If you do see a wildfire, please call 911.

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