Zumbrota, police department reach tentative agreement at Thursday night meeting

Zumbrota's City Hall and Police Station. Credit: KAAL-TV
The city of Zumbrota announced Thursday night that it had struck a tentative deal with the police department.
The terms of the proposed amended contract will be presented at the city’s Nov. 2 council meeting.
The Zumbrota Police Department expects to remain with the city after a deal was struck between local leaders and the union Sergeants Local 425 on Wednesday.
5 EYEWITNESS NEWS’ sister station KAAL reports that “mutually beneficial negotiations” resulted in the Zumbrota Police Department maintaining services in the city.
A news release signed by both city leaders and Zumbrota officers represented by the union said, “The City is confident in their negotiations that the terms requested by Local 425 are reasonable for maintaining Zumbrota Police Department services in the community.”
Details of the deal were not included in the statement, which also said there would be no “presentation on what a Goodhue County Sheriff’s Office contract would look like.”
Zumbrota was previously considering a policing deal with the Goodhue County Sheriff’s Office if their police force disbanded.
RELATED: Officers out, deputies in as Goodhue loses PD and locks deal with sheriff’s office
According to the Zumbrota City Council agenda, the latest proposal will be discussed during a closed session at the end of a city council meeting Thursday night.
The news release also addressed “personal attacks and threats” directed at city staff, council members and the mayor. The union said those attacks “do nothing to further the discussion” and “must stop immediately” while thanking city leaders for their due diligence “despite the detractions.”
According to the city’s website, the Zumbrota Police Department consists of four patrol officers, two sergeants and the police chief.
A copy of Thursday night’s agenda can be seen below:
Related coverage can be found below:
City of Zumbrota considering a disbandment of police department
Goodhue County sheriff says it has tentative deal with Goodhue for police services