Busiest year-end travel since 2000 brings delays, road congestion

Busiest year-end travel since 2000 brings delays, road congestion

Busiest year-end travel since 2000 brings delays, road congestion

This year’s holiday travel will be the second busiest travel since 2000, and 90% of those people will be on the road, according to AAA.

In major metros like Minneapolis, drivers could experience nearly double the typical delays.

This Saturday through next Thursday will be the most congested, officials say.

If you’re one of the 104 million people planning to hit the road — AAA says you’re going to want to travel either before lunchtime or after 7 p.m. if you want to avoid crowded roadways.

In Minnesota, gas prices are averaging less than $3 a gallon.

While most people will be on the road — airports will also be packed — with long wait times.

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