Wisconsin DNR asks public to avoid all outdoor burning as entire state faces high wildfire risk

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is asking the public to forgo all outdoor fires as the state faces dangerous wildfire conditions.

DNR officials say that lack of snow cover and accumulated rain are creating an early start to the state’s wildfire season.

The early part of this week’s weather is forecasted to have warm temperatures, low humidity and breezy conditions that can cause embers from a fire to escape control and spread into a wildfire.

The DNR shared the following fire safety tips with the public:

  • Avoid outdoor burning until conditions improve. Burn permits for debris burning are currently suspended in numerous counties.
  • Operate equipment (chainsaws, off-road vehicles, lawnmowers, etc.) early in the morning or late in the day to avoid sparks at peak burn hours.
  • Secure dragging trailer chains.
  • Report fires early by calling 911.

This past weekend, the Wisconsin DNR said it responded to 15 wildfires that burned nearly 30 acres.

In total, the DNR said it responded to more than 50 fires that burned 160 acres this year, the majority of which has been related to debris burning. By comparison, the 10-year average is three wildfires burning two acres.

The DNR also announced it is suspending annual burn permits in 25 counties where it has protection responsibility. Anyone with property outside of the DNR’s jurisdiction is told to check with local authorities to obtain a burn permit.

CLICK HERE to find more information on fire danger from the Wisconsin DNR.

CLICK HERE for the state’s wildfire dashboard for more data on current fire activity.