What’s open, closed this Independence Day

The Declaration of Independence turns 246 in 2022, and many are celebrating in full without pandemic restrictions. Credit: MGN/ PxHere
Despite morning weather concerns, many Minnesotans will be out and about to celebrate the United States of America’s 246th birthday on Monday. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed, and most celebrations are back on for 2022 after COVID-19 pandemic adjustments.
For information about local celebrations, visit KSTP’s Fourth of July guide. Minneapolis “Red, White & Boom” events have been canceled due to the weather conditions.
The federal Independence Day holiday will also be observed Monday, July 4, meaning people can expect some business closures. Take a look at what’s open and closed below.
Banks: Many banks follow the Federal Reserve schedule and will be closed Monday. People should check with their individual bank branches to be sure.
Driver and Vehicle Services: DVS locations are closed for the holiday.
Garbage services: There will be no garbage and recycling pickups Monday, meaning July 4-8 pickups will occur one day later than normal. The solid waste and recycling customer service office and information line will also be closed.
Grocery stores: Some major grocery stores and adjacent pharmacies may be closed or have modified hours on July 4. For example, Aldi stores are expected to close at 4 p.m. nationwide.
Libraries: Libraries in Hennepin and Ramsey counties will be closed on Monday.
Mail delivery: Mail will not be delivered and post offices are closed.
Mass transit: Some transit services will be modified on Independence Day. Click here to find out more, and visit Metro Transit’s website to check individual routes.
Minneapolis, St. Paul city government offices: City-run offices in Minneapolis and St. Paul, including Minneapolis 311 and the Minneapolis Service Center at 505 Fourth Ave. S., will be closed and will resume regular business hours on Tuesday.
Parking: City parking meters will not be enforced on July 4. Park Board, University of Minnesota and other private meters may be enforced. City officials advise people to always read the information posted on meters.
Police, fire emergency services and 911: These services will not be affected by the holiday observance.
Schools: Minneapolis and St. Paul summer programs have the day off.