Inauguration of U of M’s new president disrupted by pro-Palestinian protestors

Protestors interrupt U of M president’s inauguration

Protestors interrupt U of M president's inauguration

The University of Minnesota just inaugurated a new president but her ceremony was disrupted by pro-Palestinian protestors.

Dr. Rebecca Cunningham took office July 1, but her formal inauguration happened Wednesday inside Northrop Auditorium.

She’s been on the job since July. Before coming to the U, she served as the University of Michigan’s Vice President for Research and Innovation.

“I will work tirelessly to ensure that students from across our state, nation and world have an opportunity to receive an affordable, world-class education from the University of Minnesota,” said Cunningham during the inauguration.

Cunningham left the podium for about five minutes as protestors upset with how she handled negotiations with groups who called on the school to divest from Israel interrupted the inauguration. The protestors eventually left peacefully and nobody was arrested.

The U of M has a new policy that says no more than 100 protestors at rallies; however, there were a few hundred protesters gathered. That new rule is among things the protestors are upset about along with the new policy adopted by the Board of Regents with her support taking a position of “Neutrality” on investments in companies that do business with Israel.

Following the inauguration, Cunningham went into a crowd at Northrup Mall and greeted students and alumni as she was followed by protesters.

When asked if she had a reaction to the protestors, Cunningham said, “I’m excited to be here celebrating with my community today.”