Two Minneapolis beaches reopen after temporarily closing due to high E. coli levels

UPDATE 06/29/23:
Both beaches have reopened to the public.
Thomas Beach on Bde Maka Ska and Hiawatha Beach on Lake Hiawatha are both temporarily closed due to high E. coli levels in the water discovered Tuesday.
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) tests the water at all of their beaches weekly and closes them as needed when samples are too high, which state guidelines consider to be more than 1,260 E. coli organisms per 100mL of water.
An MPRB spokesperson said that closures are normal after heavy rainfall because it creates elevated bacteria levels and each of the closed beaches has large stormwater outfalls near them. No illnesses have been reported by swimmers.
The water at the two beaches was sampled again Wednesday morning with results expected Thursday afternoon.
All other beaches in Minneapolis are currently open.