State officials discuss options to save Windom pork plant, 1,000 jobs

State officials are stepping up in an effort save a pork production plant in Windom and the more than 1,000 jobs that it supports.
Two weeks after HyLife Foods announced plans to permanently close to the facility in June if a buyer doesn’t come forward, state officials and elected representatives met with Windom leadership Tuesday to discuss options for helping HyLife sell the plant.
RELATED: HyLife Foods planning to close Windom facility, lay off over 1,000 employees
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture says it called the meeting between local officials, staff from the congressional delegation, Sen. Bill Weber (R-Luverne), Rep. Marj Fogelman (R-Fulda) and representatives from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency and the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority.
The Department of Agriculture added that, “Support for the nearly 1,000 plant workers remains a focus.”
The company told the state about its intentions on April 11.
A representative for the company reportedly told Windom Mayor Dominic Jones that the company will continue to run the plant while actively working to sell it.