Police investigating video of alleged hazing at high school in Plainview

The Plainview Police Department is investigating alleged hazing after a video during Plainview-Elgin-Millville (PEM) High School’s homecoming festivities surfaced.

KAAL-TV initially reported on the investigation on Wednesday after law enforcement said new information prompted police to investigate further.

The investigation was announced just days after an investigation was conducted by the school district, determining the “behavior” was not hazing, sexual harassment, racially based, or involving physical injury, according to the district’s superintendent, Darrin Strosahl. The superintendent added that a series of “pranks” led to the cancellation of multiple homecoming events on Friday night.

“There was a potential hazing incident that a kid was possibly tied up, made fun of, possibly assaulted, left by himself for a while,” Plainview Police Department Police Chief Jason Timm told KAAL.

KAAL received a short video of the incident, which shows a student with their legs taped together outdoors being yelled at by teens.

“Granted it is very short but it shows how I feel a kid is being humiliated and being bullied and to me it is disturbing,” Timm said. “I can only imagine what it would feel like to be the parent of that child.”

The chief added that he, his sergeant investigator, and the school resource officer are conducting multiple witness interviews throughout the week.

“There is quite a list of charges that could be filed depending on what we find and prove that actually happened,” Timm added.

Strosahl reportedly sent a new letter to families Wednesday night, saying that the district was hiring an independent investigator. He also condemned the behaviors and said the school was taking “corrective action” but declined to say what that action was or name any of the students involved.

“I’ve been talking with the family and county attorney on it, and we’re working diligently to get the facts and cut the rumors so that justice can be served on behalf of the victim, concerned kids and parents of the school,” Timm told KAAL.