Over 42,000 bags of trash removed from Minnesota roads in 2023 by ‘Adopt a Highway’ volunteers

Minnesota roadways are looking much cleaner thanks to volunteers with MnDOT’s “Adopt a Highway” program.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation states that in 2023, “Adopt a Highway” volunteers removed more than 42,100 bags of trash from highways and rest areas in Minnesota. MnDOT says it currently works with 2,021 volunteer groups across the state, with those groups volunteering almost 100,000 hours.

Volunteers are asked to commit to the program for at least two years and pick up trash from both sides of their roadway section at least twice a year, with the average adopted roadway being about two miles.

There are also opportunities for people to pick up litter at certain rest areas or sign up for a one-day ‘Pick a Highway’ event.

MnDOT posts signs along the adopted portions to recognize the name of volunteer groups and says that more than 900 sections of Minnesota highway are available for adoption statewide.

Click here for more information and to connect with a local program coordinator.