New partnership helps expand pet resources for people in need

New pet food shelf partnership

New pet food shelf partnership

A new partnership is ensuring Minnesotans can get the food they need for all members of the family, including their pets.

The Animal Humane Society and Second Harvest Heartland are teaming up to distribute pet resources for people in need.

This partnership will provide both dog and cat food as well as cat litter to those who need it across Minnesota.

It’s set to officially launch in October. Second Harvest Heartland tells 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS that they’ll start offering these pet supplies with eight of their food shelf partners. They hope to add more throughout the year.

The Animal Humane Society already had a program in place to distribute free pet food and cat litter, but now the food bank will also be able to distribute cat litter.

Second Harvest Heartland says over the next year, they aim to distribute more than 50,000 pounds of pet food and cat litter across the state.