Money Minute: Credit card delinquency

Money Minute: Credit card delinquency

Money Minute: Credit card delinquency

There are reports that say the average American’s credit card debt is between eight and ten thousand dollars.

Shannon Doyle with Lutheran Social Services says delinquency is starting to catch up.

“It brings embarrassment, shame, anxiety,” Doyle said.

If you are running behind on credit card payments. You are not alone.

“We are now seeing the highest rate of delinquency since 2011,” she added.

That means more people have not paid the minimum monthly payment for 30 days past the due date. If it goes 60 days, the credit card company may start reporting it to a credit agency.

This will impact your credit score, so if you are behind, do this today.

“Call your credit card company to see what they can do for you,” Doyle said.

Doyle says tell them what you can pay. Make every effort to come to an agreement to avoid a collection agency — she says the worst thing you can do is nothing.

“First thing, call them before you fall behind and let them know,” she said.

Doyle says by letting your credit card company know you are struggling, you can ask them for extra time before they turn you over to a collection agency, but make sure you’ve talked about a plan to pay your credit card.