MnDOT’s 2024 construction plans include several big projects in Twin Cities

FILE - Road construction on I-94 (KSTP)
Despite the wintry weather of late, it’s already April, which means construction season is near.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) announced its plans for the 2024 construction season on Tuesday, which includes work on 193 road and bridge projects and another 54 jobs to improve airports, water ports, railroad crossings and transit infrastructure.
The list of projects spans the entire state, with significant ones on the Highway 25 bridge in Monticello, Highway 220 north of East Grand Forks, Highways 59 and 108 in Pelican Rapids, Interstate 35 in both Duluth and Faribault accounting for just some of them.
Several big projects slated for work this year are in Twin Cities, including work on I-494 between Edina and Richfield, Stone Arch Bridge repairs, and improvements to I-94 between Oakdale and Lakeland and Highway 36 between Roseville and Little Canada.
Some of the projects, such as the I-494 work, have already started in past years while others will take more than this year’s efforts. In total, MnDOT lists 25 projects that will require work beyond this year.
With construction work ready to get underway, MnDOT is reminding drivers to be prepared and cautious and to follow all traffic signs.
“Drivers throughout Minnesota can expect to see more work zones, more orange cones, more closed lanes, and more people working along the road wearing their high-visibility gear,” MnDOT Commissioner Nancy Daubenberger said. “We need everyone on the road to work together to keep our crews, and yourselves, safe in work zones. When we all slow down and obey work zone speed limits, set aside our cell phones and other distractions, plan ahead and remain patient, we become safer together as we share the limited space inside work zones.”
To see more planned projects in the Twin Cities, click here. More statewide projects are shown here.