Minneapolis city officials mark completion of $27M Elliot Twin Towers housing project
Tuesday, Minneapolis city officials are marking the completion of a housing project in the Elliot Park neighborhood.
The $27 million Elliot Twin Towers renovation project began last year.
RELATED: MPHA, Minneapolis launch city’s biggest public housing renovation in Elliot Twins project
The two towers in the Elliot Park neighborhood have stood since 1961 and have been considered the oldest high-rise public housing in Minneapolis.
The renovation project included a remodel of the towers’ 174 units of existing public housing, added 10 fully disability-accessible units, replaced outdated building systems and added energy efficiency improvements, including re-cladding the buildings with insulated metal panels. Over 6,200 feet of community areas and office space were also added.

(Courtesy of the MPHA)
Tuesday, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and members of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority talked about the project’s completion.
View that news conference via the video player above.