Metro Transit updates accessibility features for people with low or no vision

Metro Transit has made updates to its accessibility features for people with poor or no vision after feedback from a member of the community.

As initially reported by Metro Transit, the changes came about because of Annie Young, who lost her vision and saw transit as a staple of maintaining her independence.

Young wanted to put focus on making it safer to get around on buses and trains, so she connected with Metro Transit Community Outreach Coordinator Doug Cook, who works closely with the accessibility community.

According to Metro Transit, the feedback from Young about the challenges for people with low or no vision was the catalyst for making multiple changes to its busy transit hubs.

Metro Transit installed six-inch wide textured strips along angled crosswalks and sidewalks leading to bus boarding areas. It also relocated benches further from the curb to give people a clearer path.

“I do this as much for myself as for others,” Young told Metro Transit. “Before losing my eyesight, I had a job, volunteered in my community, and took care of my family, much of which I had to give up until I regained my independence. I want the same for others – independence and safe transportation, the ability to live under one’s own power.”

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