Lack of snow and ice cancels 2024 Klondike Dog Derby

Lack of snow and ice cancels 2024 Klondike Dog Derby

This year’s Lake Minnetonka Klondike Dog Derby is canceled because of a record-breaking warm December that left the area with a severe lack of ice and snow needed to host the race

This year’s Lake Minnetonka Klondike Dog Derby is canceled because of a record-breaking warm December that left the area with a severe lack of ice and snow needed to host the race.

Klondike Dog Derby Founder, Vice President and Race Director Bethany Hway shared the following written statement:

“Given current condions and long-term weather forecasts, we determined it is in the best interest of mushers who planned to race this year, our sponsors, and our volunteers to cancel at this time. While Minnesota couldld give us sub-zero temperatures needed to freeze the lake quickly, plus snow needed to make a trail for the dogs, the odds are not in our favor.”

Klondike Dog Derby Founder, Vice President and Race Director Bethany Hway

Officials say the possibility remains that enough ice could form for mushers to safely race, but it is unlikely that there would be enough ice to safely hold spectators and vehicles.

The organization said it will still host the cutest puppy contest at Excelsior Brewing on Feb. 3 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., the day the race was originally scheduled to happen.

The cutest puppy contest typically happens the week before the race. The puppy must be 6 months old or younger on Feb. 3, and all entries are due by 2:30 p.m. that day. The entry fee is $25 and includes a raffle entry for the $250 Klondike Merch basket. Proceeds will support next year’s race.

More information on Klondike Dog Derby-themed festivities can be found here.

Next year’s race is set for Feb. 8, 2025.

RELATED: Mushers and their dogs prepare for Klondike Dog Derby race on Saturday