KSTPKindness: I-35W Bridge, Target Field, US Bank Stadium among structures to light up in support of COVID-19 front line workers

A vast amount of structures around the Twin Cities will take part in the #LightItBlue campaign to honor front line workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) said the Interstate 35W Bridge will glow blue Thursday night to honor health care providers and essential workers. Other landmarks and buildings in Minnesota, such as U.S. Bank Stadium and Target Field, will also be lit blue to show support and gratitude to workers helping during the COVID-19 pandemic.

States across the country will also participate in the "Light It Blue" event, as the first event took place in the United Kingdom two weeks ago, where organizers say more than 130 buildings, bridges and landmarks glowed blue. Thursday's event will be the first in the United States.

Target Field's exterior screens around the ballpark will also read, "Thank you to all those fighting on the front lines against COVID-19."

Additionally, Eagan's Sperry Tower will have many shades of appreciation over the next several days. The schedule will go as follows:

  • April 10-11: Rainbow colors for 'Lights for Life'
  • April 13-14: Blue for health care workers
  • April 15-16: Red, white and blue for first responders
  • April 18-19: Multicolored for restaurant and grocery store workers
  • April 20-21: Rainbow for teachers and school administrators

Minnesota schools closed but stadium lights illuminated as part of #BeTheLightMN movement