Isanti County deputy, motorist rescue black bear cub & reunite it with mother, siblings

A bear cub was reunited with its mother and siblings Sunday night after a motorist and an Isanti County deputy rescued the cub from the road.

Deputy Kosmosky was driving on Highway 65 in Stanchfield Township when he pulled over to assist a motorist on the side of the road with their hazard lights flashing, according to Isanti County Sheriff Wayne Seiberlich.

The driver told Deputy Kosmosky she had moved a black bear cub from the road and placed it in her car so it wouldn’t be hit by traffic.

The deputy brought the bear to a wooded area, where it reunited with its mom and two other cubs waiting for it.

The Isanti County Sheriff’s Office is encouraging people in Cambridge to bring in bird feeders at night, refrain from feeding deer and keep trash contained and off the curb until garbage day.

“No one was hurt in the incident and we appreciate the kindness of the citizen, but we recommend not handling wild life in this manner,” Seiberlich said. “Black bear sightings are high in Isanti County and in the city of Cambridge, which is not an unusual thing this time of year. Black bears are very protective of their young and fortunately in this incident the mother didn’t have contact with the motorist.”