Group of Twin Ports girls sells hot chocolate, artwork to raise money for St. Jude’s

A group of girls from the Twin Ports area is using a sweet treat to raise nearly $500 for St. Jude’s hospital.

Hubbard Broadcasting affiliate WDIO-TV reported Leighton Boe, Hazel and Svea Booker, and Eliana Vavrosky, of Duluth, have been selling their homemade hot chocolate and artwork to raise money for the organization.

Hazel Booker told WDIO-TV the idea came about when the girls were at camp.

"We started drawing a lot and we made up an idea to do this," she said. "Yeah, and we thought of St. Jude’s hospital because we’re helping kids."

Eliana told WDIO-TV the group would be sending the money to the hospital in the coming days.