Frey signs emergency regulation requiring proof of vaccination or regular testing for Minneapolis employees

City employees in Minneapolis will soon have to either show proof that they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit to regular testing after Mayor Jacob Frey signed an emergency regulation on Wednesday.

The city’s Human Resources Department is still developing the procedures for the requirement and more details will be released at a later time.

The requirements will begin at the Minneapolis Convention Center starting in mid-September before rolling out to other departments in the coming weeks, the city said.

"Vaccines save lives," Frey said. "Our local government employees have been on the frontlines of this pandemic, and Minneapolis has helped lead our state forward when it comes to data-driven public health measures. Thanks to a remarkable team at the City, labor partners, and community, we’re moving forward with a plan to keep Minneapolis residents and staff safe and healthy."

Minneapolis and Hennepin County also continue to have mask mandates for city and county staff in city- and county-owned buildings.