Former Minneapolis police officer sues city, claiming discrimination

A former Minneapolis police officer is suing the city, claiming he was discriminated against when the department discharged him in October 2017, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court. 

Andrew Arashiba filed the suit over the weekend. 

The lawsuit alleges the Minneapolis Police Department discharged him because of his race and age. While serving as a probationary police officer, Arashiba was the only Japanese-American on the force, the court document says. 

The suit argues that during Arashiba's training he never received a not responsive to training (NRT) grade or a violation that justified his discharge.

"By comparison, Minneapolis retained numerous African-American, women, and Somali probationary police officers with 'NRT's,' but discharged (Arashiba) who had zero NRT's," the lawsuit reads. 

The lawsuit seeks to have Arashiba reinstated in the department, as well as back wages going back to his discharge. The suit also seeks other damages. 

The city declined to comment on the case.