Family calls for changes to Minnesota’s life jacket law after 13-year-old’s drowning death

Family calls for changes to Minnesota’s lifejacket law after 13-year-old’s drowning death

Family calls for changes to Minnesota’s lifejacket law after 13-year-old’s drowning death

Abcdee Rich had been at Lake Julia with the family of her friend last July. They were swimming off a pontoon when she went under.

Her family drove to Bemidji to search for her and was met with tragic news.

“They let us know that they found our daughter’s body,” said Michealine Rich, her mother.

Michealine said her daughter was a selfless kid who put the people she cared about first, and loved dancing on TikTok. She was also very close with her twin brother, Anthony.

Abcdee’s death was ruled an accidental drowning.

Now, her family is using their pain to try and create change. They’re heading to the Minnesota State Capitol on Saturday to call for what they say are needed reforms.

“In Minnesota laws, it’s only required up to the age of 10 for a life vest. Our daughter was 13, so we’d like to change that to all minors 18 and below,” Michealine said.

The Rich family is also calling for reforms on how accidents are classified, arguing the law doesn’t adequately address situations where negligence may have played a role in the accident.