Day 10: Minnesota State Fair surpasses 1 million total visitors

The Minnesota State Fair posted its highest single-day attendance of 2021 on Saturday, moving the fair’s total visitor count past 1 million in the process.
The second Saturday of the fair has historically been the highest attendance day, and this year was no exception. A total of 153,953 people passed through the gates, the first time this year attendance surpassed the 150,000 mark.
But the Great Minnesota Get-Together and its vendors are still struggling compared to past years, a lingering effect of pandemic concerns. By contrast, 266,412 people passed through the gates on Day 10 in 2019.
So far1,024,584 visitors have gone to the State Fair in 2021, a far cry from the 2 million-person totals put up in 2018 and 2019.