Customs officers seize over $460K in counterfeit tablets in International Falls

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the International Falls Port of Entry intercepted and seized more than $460,000 in counterfeit tablets.

According to CBP, officers targeted a rail container and selected it for examination. After doing so, officers found 1,152 counterfeit touchscreen tablets.

Authorities said the shipment originated from China and was headed for Ohio.

"CBP is focused on identifying and intercepting counterfeit merchandise and products. The enforcement of trade laws at U.S. ports of entry remains a high priority for us," International Falls Port Director Anthony Jackson said. "Counterfeiting adversely affects the ability of lawful copyright holders to profit from their original ideas. Counterfeiting also harms consumers because manufacturers of forged products have little motivation to use safe, high-quality materials in their products."

So far this year, CBP officers in International Falls have seized 12 shipments with counterfeit goods for a total estimated retail value of more than $4.8 million, according to CBP.