Chalkfest returns to Maple Grove

Chalkfest returns to Maple Grove

Chalkfest returns to Maple Grove

The largest chalk art festival in the Midwest started eight years ago and now features 40 artists from around the world sharing their work during the two-day event.

About 20,000 people came to view the street art galleries for free.

Some artists showcased their creativity with bright, bold and intricate pieces, such as one that featured a 3D element.

While the art is only temporary, sharing it with the public is what makes it meaningful.

“Art is something that’s therapeutic, it’s something that’s fun, and maybe, hopefully, to spark that interest, would be something nice to do as well,” said Marisa Alvarado, an artist from New Jersey who spent all day Saturday and Sunday morning creating a piece based on Ariel from “The Little Mermaid.”

The art will remain on the streets of Maple Grove until 8 p.m. Sunday, when it’ll be washed off.