Catholic schools preparing for face-to-face learning in school buildings this fall

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Seven weeks before school is set to resume, some Minnesota families already know what to expect.

"I was really excited to see that message come from them," said Catholic school parent Julie Miriovsky.

Catholic schools around the state are sending letters to parents, and while the wording may be different, the message is the same: school will be face-to-face in the fall.

"I personally want my kids to be back in school in the fall," Miriovsky added.

Miriovsky will have four children in a Catholic school in September.

"What we know now about how the virus works with kids, any concerns I had have been lessened as we find out more about how this works," Miriovsky said.

She added, "I do understand if there are teachers that are high-risk or families that have a high-risk member that they may feel different, and may need a different option."

In Minneapolis, Carondelet Catholic School is busy preparing for in-person learning.

"We were actually moving stuff around yesterday in the physical space to make sure we have enough space and what I might need to order in terms of safety measures," said Principal Mary Yamoah.

Sanitizing stations will go in, social distance markers and Plexiglass in classrooms.

"Our classrooms that have tables will likely have Plexiglass (in the middle) as an additional barrier," Yamoah explained.

Every possible space, even the outdoors, could be utilized as a classroom.

"I’m feeling very optimistic," Yamoah said.

Catholic schools are leaving distance learning and hybrid learning on the back burner as options, but this early announcement that they plan to be inside school buildings come fall is attracting interest from other families.

"Our inquiries have definitely taken a leap these past few weeks," Yamoah said.

She said one to two calls a week is typical but they’re getting roughly 10 per day now.

"Inquiring about the programming, is there space available, how do I register my child," she said.

It’s a change the school is embracing.

"Our doors are open, and all are welcome, so it is a silver lining, it’s very exciting to have all of these inquiries," she added.

While public and charter schools must follow the state’s decision on opening schools, private schools do not.

Governor Tim Walz said he would make an announcement regarding public school fall learning the week of July 27.