Authorities say propane tank likely exploded in Robbinsdale apartment fire

The Robbinsdale Police Department says authorities are investigating an apartment fire that displaced a handful of residents.

Police said the fire was reported at 9:45 p.m. Thursday in the 4000 block of 37th Avenue North in Robbinsdale on the apartment’s second-floor story balcony.

As officers approached the apartment unit balcony, they said a loud explosion went off, causing the fire to spread to the unit. Officers said they threw a fire suppression tool towards the fire, exited the apartment and began evacuating the complex.

The explosion reportedly caused three other balconies to catch flames as well. The fire was eventually put out without any injuries to responders or apartment residents.

Investigation indicated that the origin of the fire was from an improperly extinguished cigarette and a propane tank was the source of the explosion.

Three apartments were left uninhabitable and five people were displaced, according to authorities. The American Red Cross is helping those impacted with housing and other needs.

All other residents were allowed back into their apartments Friday morning.