4 Minnesotans report salmonella infections from basil sold at Trader Joe’s

(Credit: U.S. Food and Drug Administration)
State officials are warning Minnesotans about a product sold at Trader Joe’s that has been linked to a multi-state salmonella outbreak.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) are asking people not to eat the Infinite Herbs organic basil in the 2½-ounce clamshell-style containers.
Salmonella has been detected in the product across multiple states, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Between Feb. 15 and March 27, four Minnesotans between the ages of 3 and 59 got sick from consuming the Infinite Herbs product, though none of them were hospitalized. One person in Wisconsin was also sickened.
Trader Joe’s has since removed the product from stores but anyone who has it at home should throw it away.
Nationally, 12 people have been infected with salmonella across seven states, although health officials suspect there are more infections that haven’t been reported.
According to the MDH, salmonella symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever, which can begin as soon as 12 hours after exposure.