'Personal, powerful… and rare': Boy writes letter thanking St. Paul police for recovering his cellphone

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St. Paul Police, as part of the job, share a lot of bad news on social media. But Friday, the department shared a rare letter of appreciation it received.

In the letter, Issac thanks Chief Todd Axtell, Sgt. Carlson, Sgt. Nelson and Officer Poke for getting his Christmas present back to him.

The letter says the cellphone was stolen from Isaac, but the officers "found my phone and worked really hard to get it," and goes on to thank the officers "for their hard work and for caring about kids like me."

"Handwritten thank-you notes are personal, powerful … and rare," the department wrote in its post. "That's what makes this one from Issac, who got his Christmas-present-smartphone back thanks to the great work of Officer Poke, Sgt. Carlson and Sgt. Nelson, so special."

The letter is stamped as being received by police Wednesday.

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