3 fall through ice while snowmobiling in Crow Wing County

Authorities say three people are safe after falling through the ice on Pelican Lake while snowmobiling Wednesday.
According to the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Office, they received a report at about 5:48 p.m. that multiple snowmobiles had gone through the ice near Hamilton Circle in Pelican Township.
When they arrived, they found three snowmobiles had fallen through. At that location, the sheriff’s office says the water was about 4 to 6 feet deep.
The three people who went through were identified as 58-year-old Julie Hale of Grand Meadow, 48-year-old Tracy Hale of Winona and 21-year-old Cole Hale of Riceville, Iowa.
They were able to get out of the water on their own and were uninjured.
Thin ice signs were placed at the location where the snowmobiles entered the water.
Outdoor enthusiasts are reminded to be careful in channel areas of lakes.