Multiple horses test positive for eastern equine encephalitis in Wisconsin

Six horses in northwestern Wisconsin have tested positive for eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) by mosquito bites, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

WDHS is urging everyone to continue to protect themselves from mosquito bites after the positive tests were discovered of EEE.

According to WDHS, the EEE virus can be spread to humans, horses and other animals through a bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes acquire EEE virus by feeding on infected birds. The virus will not spread from person to person or directly between animals and humans.

But, the presence of EEE positive horses in the state confirms that mosquitoes in the area are infected with the EEE virus that can spread the virus to people and other animals. No EEE cases in humans have been reported in Wisconsin in 2020 at this time.

Many people infected with EEE virus do not get sick. Those who do become ill may develop encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) that typically begins with the sudden development of fever, headache, chills and vomiting, according to WDHS.

WDHS also stated that the illness may become severe, resulting in disorientation, seizures, coma or death. There is no specific treatment for EEE illness, and death occurs in approximately 30% of people who develop encephalitis from EEE.

To learn more about the EEE virus, click here.