Minneapolis mayor signs regulation requiring use of mask when inside ‘places of public accommodation’

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey signed an emergency regulation Thursday that will require people in the city to wear a face mask or covering when they are in an indoor "place of public accommodation."

According to the city, places of public accommodation include grocery stores, recreation centers, hotels, retail businesses, the skyway system, and government buildings.

The emergency regulation will take effect Tuesday.

"In Minneapolis we take our commitment to one another very seriously – it’s who we are as a people," Frey said in a release. "With more commercial activity set to resume, it’s important that we right-size our approach to public health regulations given our city’s outsized footprint in the state. Wearing a cloth mask is not a substitute for the measures like safe physical distancing that have already helped us extend the curve, but it will help keep Minneapolis safer."

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In the lead up to the May 26 effective date, Frey encouraged Minneapolis businesses and residents to boost public awareness by participating in the city’s social media campaign #MaskUpMPLS.

According to the city, businesses won’t be required to provide masks to customers or employees themselves, though employers will be required to mandate the use of masks by their staff.

Frey said the city will be launching a Memorial Day mask drive in the coming days to help get masks to those who need them before the regulation takes effect.

Non-compliance can be reported through 311, the city said.