WISN: At least 113 Wisconsin patients now sickened with COVID-19

At least 113 patients in Wisconsin have now been diagnosed with COVID-19 and two patients have recovered, according to ABC affiliate WISN Milwaukee.

The state posted the new numbers Wednesday afternoon on its website.

Wisconsin reported 106 cases but did not include one patient reported by county health officials in Ozaukee and Walworth counties.

Milwaukee County health officials added three more to the tally later in the afternoon.

Fond du Lac County officials said two additional patients tested positive and were not included in the state’s numbers.

Community spread has been identified in Milwaukee, Dane and Kenosha counties.

The coronavirus has been diagnosed in 16 Wisconsin counties.

Not all patients traveled outside the state.

Some who have been diagnosed are critically ill, officials said earlier in the week.

In order to trace the virus, health officials interview diagnosed patients to determine who they interacted with and where they may have been exposed to the virus.

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Health officials then notify other people who were exposed to the coronavirus patient.

Older patients and those with pre-existing conditions remain especially vulnerable to the coronavirus.

Officials encouraged residents to know the symptoms and stay home if they are sick.

At least 1,577 Wisconsin patients have tested negative for the coronavirus.

State health officials said they were prioritizing testing because there has become a shortage of ingredients to run tests.

Other states have experienced similar test ingredient shortage problems.

Officials said they were trying to get the ingredients to process more tests.

The state now has the ability to test patients 7 days a week and process up to 400 tests per day.

But there are more tests waiting to be conducted than labs can currently process.

Wisconsin’s amount of tests are not unlimited, officials said.

Only patients exhibiting symptoms are being tested for the virus.