SPPS stages 2-4 to stay in distance learning until at least Jan. 19

St. Paul Public Schools on Friday delayed the transition to hybrid learning for many students to at least the middle of January.

SPPS Superintendent Joe Gothard said, due to the 14-day COVID-19 case rate for Ramsey County increasing to 31.03 per 10,000 people, students in stages two through four will continue with distance learning until at least Jan. 19. Stage 1 students and other in-person programs, however, will continue to operate.

While state standards allow for hybrid learning for elementary schools up to 50 cases per 10,000 people, the district said it has opted for a more conservative approach.

"We understand and apologize for the added stress this process has put on our students, families and staff. While we keep working toward hybrid learning for our other stages, please know that our teachers and support staff are doing everything they can to make distance learning the best it can be," Gothard said in a letter posted online.

Parents and students can check online for the latest SPPS updates to the plan.