Senator introduces bill to require face masks in Minnesota

A Minnesota senator has introduced a bill that would require face masks in public spaces in the state.

Sen. John Marty, DFL-Roseville, cited a recent study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington —which projected that if 95% of Americans would wear face masks when in public places, the death toll from the pandemic would be reduced by 45,000 lives between now and Nov. 1 — as the reason for the legislation.

Where face masks are required in Minnesota

"The time for requiring Minnesotans to wear masks in public spaces is here," Marty said.

"As we have learned more about the coronavirus, it has become evident that wearing face coverings is an effective way to reduce the spread of the disease and protect our families and communities,” he added. “During World War II, Americans were forced to ration gasoline and many other materials and products. Those were enormous sacrifices for the public good. Here we are asking for a much smaller sacrifice, but one that will save many lives."

Marty added that masks are also the most effective way to reopen businesses and help the economy.

"Perhaps the most pro-business thing that Minnesotans can do right now is to wear face masks to help stop the spread in our communities," he said.

Several cities, municipalities, colleges and universities are already requiring masks in Minnesota. To see the full list, click here.