Minnesota National Guard to conduct free COVID-19 testing throughout the state Monday

Monday is the last day Minnesotans can receive free testing for COVID-19 that the National Guard is conducting.

Starting at 10 a.m. Monday, the National Guard will continue testing at six sites across the state.

Those planning to get tested should expect a wait. However, once inside, the process is quick.

The tests are free, but Minnesotans will have to share some information, including their names, dates of birth and contact information.

As for the tests themselves, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS was told a swab goes about halfway up the testee’s nose for about five to 10 seconds.

"Nobody wants something stuck in their nose, so obviously it is a bit uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t be the point of excruciating pain," Sgt. Natalie Dornan, with the Minnesota National Guard, said. "We are asking the people who come through whether or not they have any nasal issues, deviated septum, whether they’ve recently broken a nose."

There are safety measures in place.

Those with symptoms will be asked to stay in their vehicles and the test will be done away from other people.

Social distancing measures will also be in place for those being tested inside the test sites.

Officials said information from the six testing sites will help them see any demographic or regional trends related to COVID-19.

Testing sites will be open from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. or until they run out of tests.

You can find the locations here.