MDH COVID-19 briefing: State data continues to improve; Malcolm notes spread of virus still at high-risk

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On Monday, Minnesota Department of Health officials discussed the current COVID-19 situation in the state, the holidays and updates on vaccine distribution.

MDH Commissioner Jan Malcolm and Infectious Disease Director Kris Ehresmann participated in the call with reporters.

Situation update

Malcolm noted the last time a report detailed fewer than 2,000 cases in a day was on Oct. 27. On Monday, 1,998 new cases were reported. The commissioner said a lot of the data has fallen in recent weeks, in what she believes is Minnesotans taking precautions seriously around the holiday season. Even with the lower data, Malcolm said the state is still at a high rate of spread, as the rate stands at 63 new cases per 100,000 people per day. In previous briefings, Malcolm noted that over 10 new cases per 100,000 people is a sign of an epidemic not yet in control.

She said that central, south-central and southwest parts of the state are over 10% test positivity rate despite the state’s overall rate trending downward and under 10% for four days as of Monday.

Testing continues to be a plus as well, as Malcolm said over five million tests have been conducted in the state. Over 20 testing sites remain open around the state with the option of ordering saliva testing to your home being available as well.

Testing sites will be closed on Dec. 24, Dec. 25, Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 due to the holidays.

"A reminder to stay vigilant and mindful as the upcoming holiday weekend approaches," Malcolm said. She added if you do end up gathering with others outside your household, you should get tested.

The commissioner said the case growth in Minnesota since early December has come down faster than neighboring states.

Vaccine updates

As for more vaccine updates, Ehresmann said with Moderna now approved for emergency use by the FDA, ACIP met over the weekend to create guidance for the vaccine. Minnesota Vaccine Allocation Workgroup is expected to go over the guidance and will meet again next week and next month. Workgroup decisions are expected to be announced for prioritization on Jan. 18.

Ehresmann says the goal is to have Phase 1A finished by the end of next month but that it’s entirely dependent on how much vaccine the state receives.

The MDH infectious disease director said 46,800 Pfizer vaccine doses were received last week, and 94,800 Moderna vaccine doses are expected to arrive in Minnesota. She noted since the shipments of Moderna started on Monday, the state has yet to receive any.

When it comes to an expected amount of Minnesota residents getting vaccinated per week, Ehresmann hopes that it’s "as many as possible," stating that 100,000 per week is a high number to expect still.