Gazelka issues statement after several GOP state senators test positive for COVID-19 following post-election gathering

Republican Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka issued a statement in regards to the recent COVID-19 events that have occurred in the past week.

Gazelka, along with Sen. David Senjem and Sen. Jerry Relph, tested positive for COVID-19 within the past week. A party was held amongst Senate Republicans after the 2020 election, in which Gazelka states he could have handled the event differently.

Gazelka’s full statement reads as follows:

"All of us Minnesotans are constantly learning from and having to adapt to changes in the course of the pandemic. The Legislature is no exception. We in the Minnesota Senate have had to balance — sometimes by trial and error — restrictions for the safety of constituents, staff and colleagues with our constitutional duty to represent and be accessible to our fellow citizens. We don’t always get this balance right but it’s important that we learn from our experiences, exercise good judgment and work at constant self-improvements.

"In recent days, there has been media and political criticism of the Senate majority caucus holding its traditional post-election caucus gathering and how we handled subsequent news that some of us at that event later tested positive for COVID-19. In hindsight, we could have handled the event and our information sharing differently. I personally will apply lessons from this episode to inform future decisions as we prepare for the 2021 legislative session. I am committed to protecting senators, staff and the people with whom we come in contact.

"I want to acknowledge the event center that held our victory party did everything right. They had us spaced out at tables, their staff wore masks, and we enjoyed their hospitality. No one should punish them for this event, and we all need to support small businesses as they weather this storm.

"The current spike in COVID cases is troubling to Minnesotans. We in the Senate understand its seriousness and will continue to push for a state response that protects people’s health without destroying their livelihoods, especially for our long-term care residents and employees. My Republican colleagues and I pray for the health and safety of all Minnesotans. And we are committed to working with our DFL Senate colleagues, the House of Representatives, and the Governor to solve the problems facing our state."

On Monday, DFL Senate Leader Susan Kent released a statement calling for Gazelka’s resignation as majority leader, saying that he allowed "multiple, large, in-person Senate Republican gatherings that led to a COVID-19 outbreak."

"As state leaders it is our responsibility to lead by example," Kent stated. "The Senate Majority Leader is entrusted with the responsibility of keeping all members and staff in the Senate safe. Senator Gazelka has failed to do both. Under his leadership, Republican caucus members have engaged in high-risk behaviors, he has misled Minnesotans about their actions, and they have made excuses instead of being accountable."

This comes as COVID-19 numbers are skyrocketing in the Midwest region of the country.