Bars, restaurants and entertainment venues among locations preparing for dialed-back restrictions

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Bars, restaurants and entertainment venues across the state are getting ready to open their doors once more Monday.

At midnight, several of Minnesota’s COVID-19 restrictions eased, allowing for those establishments to serve people indoors once again.

Governor’s office outlines plan to relax certain indoor dining, entertainment restrictions

Just as the state was before the latest tightening of restrictions, restaurants and bars will be able to operate at 50% capacity and will have to end indoor service at 10 p.m. each night.

It’s a bit different for entertainment venues. Bowling alleys, museums, and movie theaters can now operate at 25% capacity.

5 EYEWITNESS NEWS connected with Emagine Theaters over the weekend. Workers said those theaters won’t open until Friday, as the weekdays are hard enough to get people in theater seats.

They said they’re cautiously optimistic about the days ahead.

"I think there’s definitely a need for people to get out of the house – I’m not confident we’re going to be busy by any means,” Jake Mueller, director of operations, said. “Let’s be honest, over the summer we were losing less than being shut down, we weren’t making any money and I’m hoping by April we’ll be able to turn a profit.”

Movie theaters prepare to reopen as COVID-19 restrictions eased across Minnesota

For those who are excited to catch a movie, seats are cleaned between each viewing and at least two seats will be kept empty between parties.

Gyms and fitness centers will also have looser restrictions starting Monday.

Gov. Tim Walz said he likes where the state is sitting, but of course, that state and health leaders will be watching how Minnesota handles this dial back.