MDH officials investigating salmonella cases linked to Woodbury juice bar

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is investigating an outbreak of salmonella connected with Nékter Juice Bar in Woodbury. Nine Minnesotans so far have been sickened with a specific variant of salmonella paratyphi B infections.

According to MDH, the nine cases identified as part of the outbreak range in age from 20 to 82 years, but with a median age of 26. The people sickened became ill between Aug. 27 and Sept. 21. Two cases have been hospitalized, however, all are recovering. All the cases live in or visit east metro counties.

Health officials say anyone who is experiencing severe symptoms of salmonella after consuming menu items from the business should speak to their health care provider.

Symptoms of salmonella infection include diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. MDH says symptoms usually begin within 12 to 96 hours after exposure, but they can begin up to two weeks later.

Since many cases of salmonella do not seek health care and get tested, the number of ill people that are part of this outbreak is likely larger than the number of cases identified, health officials stated in a release. They urge people who have symptoms of salmonella, but who have yet sough health care, to mention this outbreak to their provider if they seek care.

The investigation, as of Friday, has found that cases consumed a variety of menu items, such as juices, smoothies or bowls, from the juice bar in mid-August to Sept. 20. It is possible that infections in people who became ill after visiting the establishment more recently have not yet been detected.

While investigators from MDH and Washington County Public Health and Environment are working on identifying a specific food item source of the outbreak, Nékter Juice Bar has cleaned, sanitized and restocked ingredients.