Nonprofit Loaves & Fishes helping people in entertainment industry during pandemic

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One nonprofit used Labor Day to help those struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic.

Volunteers with Loaves and Fishes packed and delivered meals to people working in the local entertainment industry, which has been one of the areas most heavily impacted by COVID-19.

"Everybody’s proud, right," Kiley Benson with Loaves and Fishes said. "Nobody ever wants to get to the point where they have to say they need help. There’s a stigma around that, so when you create an event like this where’s there’s no judgment, no stigma. We just want to be able to just to help within."

Jason Hollis stopped by and picked up a meal.

"It feels weird to take help but it’s been really cool to see that people are aware of the problem and helping," Hollis said.

Loaves and Fishes handed out food to about 300 families.